Gamers Pay Attention Or your Saved Game is History

All gamers are lonely because of one reason,they can't drop the  damn controller for a single second.This girlfriend was tired of her boyfriend and his endless work on his career mode in 2K instead of giving her attention and working on their relationship.

Every day when he comes home,he Starts the game then he is out of order, so she decides to take care of things on her own way.

While he was away,she logged into his profile and deleted his career mode save file.By the sound of that,he had a lot of hours logged in there,and now it's all history,just like that,the boyfriend wasn't very happy about this.

“You better do a goddamn magic trick and get my career mode back on there.”
After that,she try to explain to him that she did because she wants to spend more time with him

He tells her that if she don't bring his saved game back, it's over-he's breaking up with her and kicking her out of their home.

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“Get my shit back or we’re done, you can pack your shit and go.”
On one hand, video game addiction is one hell of a problem and can be deadly, and this probably isn't the first time she's brought up on her concerns.

On the other hand,he's a grown man and he can do what he wants with his free time. If that means playing video games instead of spending time with his girlfriend who is desperate for his attention, that’s his prerogative, and she has no right to destroy his property – even if it happens to be digital.

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